ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship
The ME & Lau Family Foundation Scholarship is to encourage and promote the attainment of higher education goals for individuals with a proven financial need in York Region.
$1,200 scholarship
Eligibility Criteria:
- Any grade 12 student or above in Greater Toronto Area who will be attending a post-secondary institution (university or college program)
- Family income threshold of $140,000 or below
Click here to fill out an Application Form
Media and Photo Consent Form
Por Lay Shek Scholarship Fund
Por Lay Shek has been spreading her generosity for several through the Por Lay Shek Scholarship fund by providing scholarships for students looking to pursue post-secondary education in social services, care services and health science.
Eligibility criteria:
- Open to any student pursuing post-secondary education in social services/care services/health science including but not limited to DSW, PSW, SSW, nursing, medical science, health science, life science and/or social work programs
- Open to any internationally educated nurses (IENs)who are pursing studies in university/college to become a registered nurse in Ontario
- Members of Community Living York South who have an intellectual disability and are pursuing post-secondary education
- Children of Community Living York South staff who are pursuing an education in the social services/care services field
Click here to fill out the Application Form